Yom Kippur

the holiest day of the year


Yom Kippur (The Day of Atonement) is the holiest day of the year, when we are closest to G‑d and to the essence of our souls. It is a redemptive day; one of cleansing, forgiveness, and of second chances. G-d looks beyond our deeds, and our eternal bond is revealed.

This Yom Kippur, connect with G-d and your inner self, lift your voice in melody, reflect and be spiritually uplifted.

Prayers will be intimate, interspersed with melody and song, meaningful insight, English translation, and page guidance.

In short, no matter your previous experience with prayer, you will feel at home.

Check out the schedule below, and choose the service/times that appeal to you. No affiliation, membership, tickets, or fees necessary. 

Yom Kippur Schedule

Sunday, September 24th

  • Candle Lighting | Fast Begins 6:46 PM
  • Kol Nidrei Prayer 7:00 PM

*Outdoor play area set up for children.

Monday, September 25th

  • Morning Services 10:30 AM
  • Yizkor Memorial 11:45 AM (alternative time)
  • Yizkor Memorial 6:30 PM
  • Ne'ilah - Closing Prayer 7 PM
  • Break Fast 7:50 PM

*Outdoor play area set up for children.

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